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Summer At The Movies

Everyone has a story… The comical, sentimental and climactic moments of our lives weave together the storyline that was written specifically for us. Even the tragic moments serve their purpose. And to think… God, the great writer and director of this epic life, invites us into intimacy with Him. We get to play a role in the greatest story ever told. This summer at Victory is going to be one to remember… It’s time to take all we’ve learned about being a loving neighbor and friend and go out and invite others on your “road” to our Summer at the Movies series! A movie-themed church series? Yes, you heard that right! Invite your neighbors out for a very special church service each week and, afterwards, enjoy movie snacks, photo booths, outdoor and indoor games and more! See you at the “movies”!

Open Doors

Join us for our Sermon Series "Open Doors", where we will explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Each week, our pastors will deliver a thought-provoking and inspiring message that will help us grow in our faith and understanding of God's word.

The Gospel

As followers of Jesus, the gospel should form the foundation of our worldview. What is the gospel exactly? It’s the good news of Jesus—the epic story that spans from His life, death, burial, and resurrection and points us toward His return. The gospel is central to all of creation! Because Jesus is one with God the Father and shared in our humanity but lived a sinless life, the penalty for our sin was paid when He died on the cross. Our lives are forever transformed when we grasp the fullness of Christ’s story and the power of God to make all things new.”

Holy Spirit

Join us for our Sermon Series "Holy Spirit", where we will explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Each week, our pastors will deliver a thought-provoking and inspiring message that will help us grow in our faith and understanding of God's word.

Fully Alive

Join us for our Sermon Series "Fully Alive", where we will explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Each week, our pastors will deliver a thought-provoking and inspiring message that will help us grow in our faith and understanding of God's word.
Join us for our Sermon Series "Home", where we will explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Each week, our pastors will deliver a thought-provoking and inspiring message that will help us grow in our faith and understanding of God's word.

Running in Circles

Join us for our Sermon Series "Running in Circles", where we will explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Each week, our pastors will deliver a thought-provoking and inspiring message that will help us grow in our faith and understanding of God's word.


Join us for our Sermon Series "Extravagant", where we will explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Each week, our pastors will deliver a thought-provoking and inspiring message that will help us grow in our faith and understanding of God's word.


No matter what family looks like for you, God created the family unit to emancipate the greatness He’s placed inside each of us. He never said they’d be perfect, but He did say that it’s not good for us to be alone. To make a life-giving impact on the world around us, to leave a legacy of faith, we need one another.

Dear Church

Some fathers are biological, some adoptive, and others are father figures. But there’s one thing we’re lacking: spiritual fathers. If you take a look around at the state of our world, it’s clear that we’re in desperate need of fathers in Christ—men who love God and His church. We need men who will boldly share the Father’s heart for His children and show us the way we should go. Join us for Dear Church, and hear from long-term fathers in the faith as they write their letter to the church in these current times.
We’ve all seen a fence surrounding a playground next to a busy street. The children playing have the liberty to explore without any fear or danger of crossing the line… Fences are boundaries set up to protect us. They set limits that allow us and others to find the rhythm and rest God always intended. When it comes to work, relationships, and navigating all that our lives encompass, He wants to liberate us to walk in His peace and flow with the Holy Spirit. Only then can God’s greatness be emancipated in and through us. Where do you need His help to set up fences in your life so you can show up freely and fully in all that He has for you?

Church Face

The struggle is real… How many times have you found yourself saying that lately? We’ve been through a lot, especially in the last year. So, what do we do when difficult things happen, when life’s struggles don’t seem to line up with our belief in God? We tend to rush past it and never deal with the emotional impact, but the reality is we won’t get very far if we don’t stop, feel the hurt and allow ourselves to get honest with Him. We’re human, and even Jesus felt pain while on earth. God is the only one who can heal our hearts, and He wants us to come to Him. It’s time to take off the church face and invite Him into our story so we can live the full and authentic lives He created us to live!