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God was not content with simply being with us. So, He sent His Holy Spirit to live in us. He is our helper and friend. He is the voice of God who guides and comforts. Because Christ returned to heaven and the Holy Spirit came, we are able to live in this truth: We are never alone!
February 20, 2022
On the night before He went to the cross, Jesus gathered the disciples to share that He was going to prepare a place for them. In their worry and sadness as they realized Jesus was going to die, He assured them that His leaving would be better for them. If Jesus didn’t leave, the friend, our helper, wouldn’t be able to come. That night, He promised that the Holy Spirit was on His way. So, who is the Holy Spirit? We’re so glad you asked. Join us for part one of our series!
February 13, 2022
All of us were created to complete the good works that God prepared in advance for us to do. We are called to do His will, but it is impossible for us to fulfill what He has created us to do in our own ability. God made it beyond our natural ability so we would have to depend on His grace. We are stewards of His divine power and only one thing is required: that we are faithful of using it to finish the work of multiplying His kingdom in the earth. Will you be found faithful?
February 6, 2022
As followers of Jesus, every single one of us is called to ministry. God’s mission for our lives is that we would be disciples who make disciples. When we live with this purpose in mind, using all we have for God’s glory, we come fully alive! All that Jesus asks of us is to walk with Him—that wherever we are on our journey, we focus on taking one step forward. He promises to stay by our side along the way!
February 3, 2022
As followers of Jesus, every single one of us is called to ministry. God’s mission for our lives is that we would be disciples who make disciples. When we live with this purpose in mind, using all we have for God’s glory, we come fully alive! All that Jesus asks of us is to walk with Him—that wherever we are on our journey, we focus on taking one step forward. He promises to stay by our side along the way!
January 30, 2022
January 23, 2022
We know that God keeps His promises, but what do we do when it feels like He’s not—when it looks like it will never come to pass? What do we do in between when the promise is made and when it is fulfilled? The reality is, we’re not very good at waiting. Many of us either give up along the way or try to take matters into our own hands. But we are choosing today to be encouraged and hold onto hope, because our God is in the waiting!
January 16, 2022
We were made to live fully alive! We flourish when we are fulfilling the mission God has given us. While the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, Christ came so that we could have abundant life. He is glorified when we step out in faith and do what we are called to do! The world needs us to walk in fellowship with the Father and represent Jesus in our own unique way. Today is the day to get back on mission!
January 9, 2022
by Dennis Rouse
Every new year offers us an opportunity to reset. But to start fresh and begin making different choices, we have to ask this question: “What is holding me back?” We have to sit with God and get honest about what has been weighing us down and keeping us from living the full life He has for us. Tune into the first message of the new year as Pastor Dennis shares the three main things we have to let go of to move forward!
January 2, 2022
Our campus pastors came together for a very special message as the year comes to a close! You’ve heard us say it from the beginning, but you were made for something great. And God wants to emancipate the greatness He placed inside of you so you can GO out and share it with the world around you. Tune in to hear more as we reflect on 2021 and look ahead to 2022!
December 26, 2021
Did you know God created you just so He could love you? You are fully accepted as you are! He is for you and is faithful to welcome you into His arms no matter what. The Father doesn’t need or require anything from you… Rather than striving and trying to be lovable, He invites you to live from the place of already BEING loved!
December 19, 2021
God loves us so much that He sent His son to restore our relationship with Him. We are all lost children who needed our older brother to reconcile us back to our Father. Jesus paid the debt that we all owed! He is the only way to draw near to God and the full representation of His love for us. We are never too late or too far to come back home to our Good Father through the Good Son.
December 12, 2021