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We are living in a world where a lot of people feel lonely and unwanted, wondering if they even matter. But we have the opportunity to Be Like Jesus, to meet people where they are and let them know they are seen and valued. Jesus noticed the people who others missed, those who were often pushed aside. The enemy’s goal is to discourage and distract us from paying attention to what truly matters, but there are small things we can do to reflect the light of our Savior. You never know how one encounter can shift someone’s life. Find out how to grow in your attentiveness in part three of our current series.
July 24, 2022
As followers of Jesus, we are called to live and love like Him. What exactly does it mean to model our lives after His? One characteristic that Jesus constantly demonstrated was God’s kindness. Regardless of how people treated Him, He was intentional about doing good to others. Showing kindness is a key element to reflecting Jesus’ character to the world around us. Learn more in part two of our Be Like Jesus series!
July 17, 2022
When Jesus walked the earth, there was something about Him that attracted people out of darkness and into the light of God. He was known as a teacher, a healer, a friend, and many other roles. As His followers, we are called to live holy as He is holy, to be of the same heart and mind. In today’s world, what does it mean to walk in holiness like Jesus? Find out how in part one of our Be Like Jesus series.
July 10, 2022
Whatever we base our sense of belonging upon, we will have to continually maintain to feel that sense of belonging. If we build off of rejection and shame, we always strive for inclusion and fame
June 26, 2022
God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.
July 3, 2022
When it comes to Jesus’ sacrifice for us, we could never EARN IT, but we can HONOR IT.
June 19, 2022
“Disciplined planning is the divine separator between the average and the extraordinary.” — Andrew Momon Jr.
June 12, 2022
One of the most important questions we could ever answer is, “WHO AM I?”
June 5, 2022
by Sam Chand
You were born with a promise over your life. God has good plans for you! People and circumstances may cause you to believe otherwise. Nevertheless, nothing and no one can change what He has spoken. In this message, find out how to stay strong and fight for the promise. It is yours!
May 29, 2022
God has called us to open our hearts, homes and lives to love others and inspire them to know Jesus. And our testimonies are more powerful than we know! We are living examples of God’s goodness and we can share that goodness with others. We shouldn’t keep it to ourselves! In part five of our Open Doors series, be empowered to share your story for God’s glory.
May 22, 2022
It’s not always easy to build relationships with people whose lifestyles aren’t like ours. How do we love our neighbors when all we see are differences? Jesus engaged the culture of His day with love, grace and the truth of the gospel. He invites us to do the same—to live in a way that glorifies God and open our lives to connect with others so we may inspire them to want to know Jesus for themselves. We’re breaking down what that looks like in part four of our Open Doors series!
May 15, 2022
Jesus showed us the greatest example of what it looks like to live a welcoming, hospitable life toward others. He was compelled by love, driven to share the heart of God with everyone He met. In what ways can we intentionally and practically live hospitably toward the people He places on our path? We’re learning how in part three of our Open Doors series!
May 8, 2022