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by Curvine Brewington
We live in a society that tells us our God doesn’t belong in politics, schools, entertainment, and more. This anti-God philosophy is nothing new. From the very beginning, Satan has been trying to convince us that we don’t need God. But even though the world seems to want nothing to do with Him, we’ve been placed here to be the hands and feet of Jesus. This earth is not our home; we’re just passing through. As we do, we are meant to walk in authority, boldness and courage—to put our hope and trust in who God says we are, the way He wants us to live, and the purpose He has for us. It’s time to shock a dying culture with the truth and grace of our Father, to love them back to life!
August 1, 2021
From the beginning of time, human beings have had to deal with conflict. There is no one on earth who hasn’t experienced it. None of us are exempt. Conflict isn’t necessarily good or bad, but there is a healthy, godly way to respond. Dr. Sam Chand shares how in part six of our Dear Church series. Tune in!
July 25, 2021
We are daughters and sons of God, the creator of heaven and earth. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and as His children, He is always with us! Now more than ever, it’s time to stand firm in our faith. Yes, we’ve been stretched on every side—but no matter life’s challenges, if God is for us, no one can be against us. Our Father meets us where we are and gives us all we need to fulfill the purpose we were made for… In part five of Dear Church, Pastor John Jenkins shares a timely word on what it looks like to run with the horses. Tune in!
July 18, 2021
Unwrapping Christmas. It’s a beautiful depiction of the sovereignty of our God and the joy set before us. So, grab a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate, and tune in!
December 25, 2020
Prayer takes things out of our hands and puts them into the hands of God. It shows that we have faith in someone bigger than we are, that we are no longer leaning on our own understanding. If the devil wants to keep us from doing one thing, it’s praying. That’s how precious your prayers are to God! Every word you’ve ever prayed is in His hands. Your Father hears you. Don’t stop praying!
July 11, 2021
In the Bible, Jesus emphasizes that the number one way people will fall away from the faith is through deception. It can come in many packages, which is why it’s so important to know what the Word says to keep us anchored. Social justice is something we all tend to think of in a positive light, but we often don’t recognize that it isn’t rooted in God’s moral laws. When we agree with things that sound good but aren’t biblical, entire societies can be deceived. In part three of Dear Church, learn the differences between social and biblical justice and action steps to hold tightly to the truth of God’s Word!
July 4, 2021
Fathers impart, train up, and send their children. Even though there aren’t many men who have taken up the role of a father, we do have some—and we thank God for them. Throughout our series, Dear Church, we’re hearing from men who are biological fathers, spiritual fathers, and long-term pastors who love Jesus and His church! In part two, Pastor Johnson’s father, Ron Bowie, imparts to us the wisdom he’s gained from a life well lived for Christ. Listen in!
June 27, 2021
The results of fatherlessness are all around us: godlessness, rebellion, identity issues… For thousands of years, people have said that fathers aren’t necessary, but that isn’t the way the Father intended. God is raising up strong men and fathers who will lead their children to Jesus and leave strong legacies. He is healing us, repairing father wounds, so we can change the story in our families. In part one of our series, hear the top three things Pastor Johnson’s father taught him!
June 20, 2021
Our God is holy, special and unlike anyone or anything else we’ll ever encounter. In His love, He has called us to live life according to His standards rather than the world’s. God has set up fences of holiness to protect what is set apart for His unique purposes. With that, He has created a fence of space as a model for us in regard to having healthy relationships with others. Find out more in part three of our Fences series!
June 13, 2021
God erects fences to protect things that are holy. He is the one and holy God, set apart and unique from everything in this world. He has called us to be holy as He is, putting a fence between us and the ways of the world. But why does holiness matter? Join us for part two of our series!
June 6, 2021
Thank God for fences! We put them around things that are valuable, like our homes, a children’s playground, art… Even God set up fences to guard what was most important to Him, and He has set the example for us. The first one He ever built was around time. God created for six days and on the seventh day, He rested, and He has extended that same invitation to us. If we want to truly thrive, we must find real rest for our souls. How? Let’s follow God’s way and enjoy the gift of the Sabbath day!
May 30, 2021
Over the last year, it’s become more evident how much fear dominates most people’s lives—including some in the church. God’s Word tells us that He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. He instructs us to be strong and courageous because He is with us wherever we go! While it’s important to use wisdom and take careful action, we have to ask ourselves what’s ultimately guiding us. Courage or fear? As followers of Jesus, let’s intentionally choose to walk by faith!
May 23, 2021