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October 12, 2021
God has promised all of us a full life, but there are many obstacles that try to keep us from living it out. More often than not, there are some barriers we’d just rather not talk about—especially the toxic cycles we’re stuck in. But if we’re ever going to boldly charge into the future God has for us, we have to break free from those cycles! It’s time to face the truth, allow Jesus to guide us on the journey, and begin moving forward.
October 24, 2021
When God gives, He gives extravagantly. After all, He loved us so much that gave His only son to save us! He doesn’t withhold anything good from us, and He desires that we walk in the same spirit toward others. We’re called to live generous lives that bring God glory. The idea is that we would all begin to give in such a way that we reflect our Father to the world around us! May our acts of giving be a sign of our hearts toward the Father. Tune in to part five of Extravagant!
October 17, 2021
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” God owns everything and, in His kindness, entrusts us to wisely manage the resources He provides. But what exactly does it mean to be a good steward, and where do we start? And could it be that God wants us to handle money well so we can be as generous as He has been to us? In Extravagant part four, we’re giving you practical tools to partner with Him in your finances and, ultimately, be a blessing to others!
October 10, 2021
We have a generous God! In giving us His son, Jesus, He gave us His BEST. When we come face-to-face with the selfless love of God and embrace it, we take on His nature and become givers, too. Because when we truly grasp just how much God cherishes us and then open ourselves up to Him, we will want to give as an expression of our adoration. In Extravagant part three, we’re making room for God to transform our hearts, minds and our finances so we can offer Him a worthy response to the extravagant love He has for us!
October 3, 2021
Did you know that there are two economies? There is God’s and then there is the world’s. The majority of people, including followers of Christ, have been so conditioned to live based on the world’s economic system that they never experience life in God’s economy. But it’s never too late to start living with His hand on our finances! In part two of Extravagant, find out how to master the power of money and remain under an open heaven of His blessing.
September 26, 2021
There’s something about love that produces generosity. Think about it this way: God so loved the world that He GAVE… When we give, we are called to do so out of the overflow of all that He, the One who breathed life into our lungs, has given to us. When we love others, we’re generous with our time, our affection and, yes, our money—which is the number one competitor against God in our lives. To be people free from the trap of greed, we have to allow the truth of His extravagant generosity toward us to penetrate our hearts. We don’t give to make God love us, because He already does. We give because we love God, and when you love, you also give!
September 19, 2021