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When it comes to Jesus’ sacrifice for us, we could never EARN IT, but we can HONOR IT.
June 19, 2022
“Disciplined planning is the divine separator between the average and the extraordinary.” — Andrew Momon Jr.
June 12, 2022
One of the most important questions we could ever answer is, “WHO AM I?”
June 5, 2022
by Sam Chand
You were born with a promise over your life. God has good plans for you! People and circumstances may cause you to believe otherwise. Nevertheless, nothing and no one can change what He has spoken. In this message, find out how to stay strong and fight for the promise. It is yours!
May 29, 2022
God has called us to open our hearts, homes and lives to love others and inspire them to know Jesus. And our testimonies are more powerful than we know! We are living examples of God’s goodness and we can share that goodness with others. We shouldn’t keep it to ourselves! In part five of our Open Doors series, be empowered to share your story for God’s glory.
May 22, 2022
It’s not always easy to build relationships with people whose lifestyles aren’t like ours. How do we love our neighbors when all we see are differences? Jesus engaged the culture of His day with love, grace and the truth of the gospel. He invites us to do the same—to live in a way that glorifies God and open our lives to connect with others so we may inspire them to want to know Jesus for themselves. We’re breaking down what that looks like in part four of our Open Doors series!
May 15, 2022
Jesus showed us the greatest example of what it looks like to live a welcoming, hospitable life toward others. He was compelled by love, driven to share the heart of God with everyone He met. In what ways can we intentionally and practically live hospitably toward the people He places on our path? We’re learning how in part three of our Open Doors series!
May 8, 2022
God has given us the assignment to love the people around us so they might know the love of God through us. He tells us specifically, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What does that look like? Join us as we continue exploring one of God’s greatest commands in part two of our Open Doors series!
May 1, 2022
Jesus showed us by example that every human being deserves to be loved. He was a friend of sinners. He gave His time and attention to people who others would have never even given a second thought. In God’s Word, we’re instructed to love our neighbors. But who exactly is He talking about, and where do we start when it comes to showing love the way Christ did for us? Check out part one of our new series, Open Doors, to find out!
April 24, 2022
We’ve all had our share of doubts and questions. And though Easter means more than any of us will probably ever fully comprehend, we’ve come to know that it represents deep love, sacrifice, hope and freedom. It stands for the dawning of a new day for humanity, a fresh start for all of us. Let’s reflect on the resurrection of Jesus with a beautiful theatrical production combining original music, dance and a message of hope for everyone!
April 17, 2022
The world is changing all around us. There is a spiritual current at work that is causing a massive drift from the truth. Sometimes it is a swift shift, but oftentimes it takes place subtly. Many are being swept away by deceptive, false gospels. In part four of our series, learn the three ways we can drift from the one true gospel and how to stand firm in the midst of chaos.
April 10, 2022
The gospel, the incredible story of God, is central to everything that exists around us. When we are touched by the gospel, we don’t only receive forgiveness. Through Christ, we receive everything about the God who rules and reigns over all. With that, we have the opportunity to live completely new lives! So, how exactly should we respond to the gospel? Tune into part three of the series!
April 3, 2022