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Sometimes the opinions and beliefs of the world around us—culture, religion, and even our own experiences—may feel like truth. But when they don’t align with scripture, how can we find the will to release those beliefs and cling to the unchanging word of God? He welcomes our doubts and concerns, and we can find safety, clarity, and restoration in Him! Find out how to contend for the faith and stay anchored to God amid the storms of life.
December 4, 2022
God is always good! No matter what we may be facing, we can fix our eyes on Him and His goodness. There is power and strength in living life with a posture of gratitude. When we live with a grateful heart, we’re able to experience God’s peace—even in hard times. Tune in for three keys to living a life anchored in gratitude!
November 27, 2022
Many things in life will attempt to steal our affection, but God is the only One who can truly satisfy us. That’s why He’s so worthy of our worship! We can never repay God for His love and faithfulness, but we can show our gratitude when we devote ourselves to honoring Him. Listen in as we learn how to be anchored in the fear of the Lord!
November 20, 2022
A ship makes it through a storm by dropping anchor, which makes it immovable in the wind and waves. In the same way, there are places where we can drop anchor when the storms of life try to take us off course. God’s Word says that we will have troubles, but we will have peace when stay close to Him. With Jesus, we can be equipped to not just survive the storms but stand firm in them! When trials arise, we can go to the source of all life for the wisdom we need to navigate to the other side. Tune in as we learn more!
November 13, 2022
In life, storms are going to come. God knew that we would need a hope to hold onto when they do. Jesus is that hope, the one sent to keep us from being carried away by the wind and the waves. And there is no better person, place, or thing to have as an anchor for our souls! Find out how to stand firm in Christ during difficult times in part one of our Anchored series.
November 6, 2022
Our God is a God of new seasons. There will be times when we find ourselves at the end of a season—but it’s not the end of the story! While times may change, His purpose for our lives does not. How can we invest today to reap a beautiful harvest in the next chapter? Learn more when you tune in to the final message of our Family on Purpose series!
October 30, 2022
Marriage is a beautiful gift from God! To build a strong foundation for marriage, we have to learn to communicate successfully. God wants your union to thrive in every way, and healthy communication is one of the most important aspects of a healthy marriage. Let’s learn how to communicate on purpose in this message from our friend Jimmy Evans!
October 23, 2022
How we think about and handle money are some of the most important aspects of family life. They are major factors in how our families experience God’s hand on us. Everything we have comes from Him. He graciously provides our needs and calls us to be good stewards over all He’s blessed us with. And God’s Word tells us that if we want true wisdom, all we have to do is ask Him. Tune in and learn how to handle money on purpose!
October 16, 2022
Children are gifts from God. As parents, we have the special role and privilege of training them in the ways of the Lord—equipping them to fulfill their purpose in the earth. Everything we do is teaching our children something, and the greatest opportunity we have is to impart a deeper understanding of faith. Tune in as we talk about what it looks like to make God the center of everyday life and how to pass down love of the Lord from generation to generation!
October 9, 2022
Our youth need parents and others in the faith family to hear and respond to the desires of their hearts. They need those who can look beyond where they are right now and see them the way God does… And He wants to pour into them through you! We have a responsibility to show up as intentional examples to prepare our youth so they may become all God has destined them to be. Learn how to invest in the next generation in part two of Family on Purpose!
October 2, 2022
Jesus lived a mission-centered life and left a lasting impact in all of His relationships. He wants us to follow His lead, especially when it comes to our families. Family is a beautiful gift from God, and He has a special plan for yours! Even if you didn’t inherit a good family story, it’s never too late to change the legacy. Let’s commit to doing family on purpose—all for God’s glory—starting today.
September 25, 2022
by Dennis Rouse
As followers of Jesus, we have been given open access to God. That means that we are not limited by the standards and customs of this world. He’s the One who hung the stars in the sky, who breathed you into being. There is nothing our God cannot do, and He dwells within us. Life with Him is full of adventure! Sometimes we just need to shift our perspective. How do we break free of the limits we’ve been operating under? Find out in Breaking Limits.
September 18, 2022