Look Both Ways
Jesus wants real relationship with us. To know and be known by Him changes everything. Without Jesus as Lord and Savior, we can be lead down paths that may seem harmless but in reality, lead to emptiness. The Good News is that Jesus loves us and He wants to be our faithful guide in life. That’s news too good to keep to ourselves! Share this series with someone you love and join us for, Look Both Ways, as we unravel the beauty of an authentic relationship with Christ and the reality of a life apart from Him.
November 12, 2023
47m 59s
Conquering the Comfort Zone
by Johnson Bowie
As believers, each of us is a part of the body of Christ—one body with many members. We were created on purpose with a purpose, and every breath that we’ve been gifted by God is an opportunity to allow His Kingdom to fully reign in our lives. The reality is that, sometimes, we get comfortable and stop taking steps forward in our faith. But we have a responsibility to do something with the new life we’ve been given. Tune in to find out how we can all make room for other image bearers to experience the beauty of the Church and the amazing King we serve!
November 5, 2023
44m 47s
How Can I Know I’m Saved?
by Johnson Bowie
Matthew 7:21-23 NIV“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons...
October 29, 2023
53m 20s
Beware of False Prophets
by Johnson Bowie
How do we identify false prophets? Jesus clearly warned us to watch out for false prophets, who He described as wolves in sheep’s clothing. We are called to build our lives on Christ and His truth, and the reality is that we can’t define truth based on how something makes us feel. But how do we choose between those people and things that are good influences on our lives spiritually and emotionally and those that are bad influences and can potentially draw us away from Christ? Join us as we look to God’s word to find the answers!
October 22, 2023
57m 36s
Awe of God
by John Bevere
What does it mean to fear God, to work out our salvation with fear and trembling? It’s not what it sounds like. To fear the Lord is to live in absolute awe of His power, His presence, and His promises. Imagine how excited and awestruck you will be one day—to look upon His face and finally see Him! That is the posture from which we want to look to Him and worship Him today. Our God is not wrathful or scary. We don’t tremble because we are afraid. We tremble because of the wonder and astonishment we have for His greatness. Our God is an awesome God!
October 15, 2023
51m 27s
What’s Heaven Like?
by Johnson Bowie
God created heaven for His children, a radiant paradise where we’ll live in the joy of our Father forever—and Jesus is the only way to that eternal reality. When we choose to accept His gift of salvation, we get to wait with hopeful expectation for our true home! But what can we really expect when we get there? What is it truly like? Tune in to our series, Look Both Ways, as we uncover the answers through God’s word.
October 8, 2023
46m 53s
Is Hell Real?
by Johnson Bowie
Culture would have us believe that wide is the road that leads to heaven—that there are many paths to God—and narrow is the road that leads to hell. But as difficult as it might be to hear, Jesus teaches us that the opposite is true. He encourages us to follow His way, even though it isn’t popular or anywhere near easy when we try to do it in our own strength. The good news is that when we know the truth, we can choose the kind of life where we’re empowered by His Spirit and able to rest knowing that we never have to experience separation from Him. Because of His goodness, we can live brighter and fuller lives on this side of heaven and bask in the beauty of relationship with Him forever. Join us as we tune out the noise of the world and make space to hear God’s heart for us.
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