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Following Jesus is the best decision we could ever make, but it comes with a cost. When we live like Him, we will face persecution from our family, friends, and the rest of the world. Tune in to learn why we’re blessed even amid persecution and find encouragement to continue being the salt and light of the world!
April 2, 2023
52m 50s
by Andrew Momon
We live in a world that is full of chaos and conflict, but Jesus is calling us to follow His lead and be peacemakers rather than peacekeepers. Pursuing peace is not easy, but with God’s help, it’s always possible! Tune in as we dive deeper into the Beatitudes and learn what it practically looks like to live out a life of peace.
March 26, 2023
1h 2m
One of the most beautiful promises that God has given us is that we will see Him when we are pure in heart. While that is an amazing promise, it can also feel intimidating because, on our own, our hearts are far from pure. So, how do we receive this beautiful promise? Tune in to find out!
March 19, 2023
56m 41s
God’s mercies are new every morning! Through Jesus, we have been forgiven of our sins forever, and we have the blessed opportunity to follow His example. God is love, and mercy is loving in spite of sin. He has made a way for us to forgive others in the same way that He has for us. Tune in to learn more about how to live a life of mercy!
March 12, 2023
55m 55s
We all have a deep desire in our souls to feel fulfilled in life, and Jesus told us that we will experience His blessing when we seek righteousness above all else. But we live in a world that craves many things, where people look for happiness in power, love, and wealth, to name a few. So, where does a hunger and thirst for righteousness lead us? Tune in to learn how Jesus fills us completely and leaves us fully alive!
March 5, 2023
50m 30s
We live in a world that glorifies using power to our own advantage. It sends the message that we have achieved success when we can use our position to be served. But the kingdom of God is not like that. Jesus redefined greatness when He said, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” So, what is meekness and what does it produce in us? Tune in to find out!
February 26, 2023
57m 40s
In Matthew 5:4, Jesus says these words: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” While grief can feel heavy and all consuming, He has promised us comfort when we choose to acknowledge it rather than numb the pain. When we allow ourselves to mourn, when we make space for the Holy Spirit to come in and help, we can rest assured that He will meet us right where we are and bring healing as He walks with us. We have the hope of true comfort in the One who has known grief for Himself but has overcome it all. We are blessed!
February 19, 2023
59m 50s
The world paints a picture of a way of life and what it means to be blessed, but what the world values is the opposite of what Jesus shared. Tune in as we begin to take a deeper look at the Beatitudes and what’s at the heart of “blessed are the poor in spirit”!
February 12, 2023
51m 55s
The Church was God’s idea! He always intended for us to be in a community where we can become more like Jesus and experience care and encouragement. The Church isn’t simply a beautiful invitation to true connection; it’s a vital part of God’s amazing plan for our lives! Tune in to learn more.
February 5, 2023
45m 29s
Jesus has extended a beautiful invitation for us to live out our true mission: to go into all the world and make disciples. God longs to fill the earth with His glory through all of creation—that includes you! He has given us, the Victory family, a God-sized dream. But how exactly has He called us to fulfill it? God is magnified when we fully embrace our unique callings and release what He’s put in us for His glory in the world around us. Tune in to learn more!
January 29, 2023
We were created to reflect Jesus’ true nature! At Victory, our desire as a church body is to individually and corporately become more like Him. We want the world around us to know Him through the way that we live and love. Tune in to learn more about the values of Jesus that we want to embody as a church family!
January 22, 2023
We’re on a mission—the Great Commission! Jesus has called us to make disciples wherever we go, and we have the honor and privilege of being chosen to carry out the beautiful plans He has for the world. At Victory, He has given us a unique vision to do just that. Tune in to learn more about the DNA of our church family and God’s ultimate vision for us as followers of Christ.
January 15, 2023