If you’ve read the book of Revelation, you may have felt many emotions—confusion, overwhelm, relief, and maybe even joy. Wherever you land, one thing to note is that this book wasn’t written as a puzzle for you to crack the code on Jesus’ return. It was a letter written to challenge and encourage ancient churches, and it’s meant to do the same for the Church today. In this series, we’ll learn how these seemingly strange visions show us how we can stay faithful to Christ and share His love amid persecution and trials we will face as His disciples. Join us as we take a journey to discover how this book points to Jesus’ return as ultimate King!
September 8, 2024
55m 19s
by Curvine Brewington
The Church of Pergamum believed a lie. They thought they had options—that they could have both Jesus and their sin. They were lured away and enticed by societal norms and became convinced that Christ crucified and resurrected wasn’t enough. The people of Pergamum were deceived, and the reality is: we must be intentional about acknowledging where we, too, may have been led astray. Otherwise, we could find ourselves influenced by the very culture we are called to impact. Join us as we humbly ask the Holy Spirit to take inventory of our hearts and recommit to aligning with the truth of His word!
September 1, 2024
1h 01m
The Church That Suffered Well
by Darius Dunson
What does it mean to “suffer well” and why should we care? When John wrote the book of Revelation, Jesus instructed him to write a second letter to the Church in Smyrna to prepare them (and us) for what is to come. God says we will suffer, that we will be tested… but He assures us that He is with us in the midst of it all. And, as we remain faithful, our temporary circumstances produce growth, favor and the promise of eternal victory for those who suffer well. Join us as we boldly continue to read, hear and obey Jesus’ love letter to the Church.
August 25, 2024
51m 53s
The Church that Forgot to Love
by Johnson Bowie
When asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus responded that we should love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. And the second is just as important: to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. In the book of Revelation, Jesus instructs John to write to the Church in Ephesus to remind them of their lost love. If we’re honest, it’s still just as easy for us to let our love of God and others slip away or become dampened over time. Tune in as we are challenged to love like Jesus!
August 18, 2024
54m 49s
Jesus Is
by Johnson Bowie
Think about it. How often do you picture Jesus as He was? He was a baby in a manger. He was a broken man on the cross. He was dead. But God wants to reveal to us who His son is. In the book of Revelation, Jesus Himself says, “I AM the First and the Last. I AM the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I AM alive for ever and ever!” There’s a big difference between what was and what is. Tune in for a powerful revelation of the King and Savior of the world!
August 11, 2024
54m 48s
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
by Johnson Bowie
Join us as we begin a wildly obedient, demystifying journey through the book of Revelation. God gave us the prophetic revelation of Jesus Christ not to scare us but to prepare us. Spoiler alert… It reveals Jesus and His ultimate victory! Tune in!