Hearing God
On our journey to emancipate God’s greatness in us, hearing Him and responding to what He says are essential. How can you accept His invitation to move forward if you can’t hear what He’s saying? The truth is: God is always speaking, and He wants to talk to you personally. It’s possible to learn to recognize His voice, discover tools to identify when He’s speaking, and grow in your ability to hear Him. Whatever God speaks, you can trust that He is faithful to use it for His glory and the purpose He has planned for your life!
March 28, 2021
Hearing God Together
by Johnson Bowie
We have a God who loves to speak to His people both individually and corporately. He delights in gathering His people together to hear, discuss and live out His Word as one body. To journey into the great future God has for us, we have to be people who recognize and follow the voice of our shepherd. Coming together to hear His Word has incredible power, as we can do much more than we ever could alone. Let’s lock arms and move forward on the mission our God has set before us!
March 7, 2021
You Can Hear God Speak
by Johnson Bowie
It has never been more important to hear the voice of the Lord than it is in these current times. The problem is that many tend to think that God only speaks to pastors or the spiritually elite. The truth is: All of us were made to have relationship with Him. Yes, He is speaking to you, too! Together, let’s learn how to recognize His voice and grow in our ability to hear Him clearly.
March 21, 2021
God, Is That You?
by Summer Bowie
To walk in the greatness that God wants to free within us, we have to hear His voice and know that He is speaking! How does He speak? Through His Word, prayer, dreams and visions, and words of prophecy given through other people. In today’s message, we’re talking about how to discern whether or not God is actually speaking versus our own wants, the enemy, or someone else’s narrative for our lives. It’s our desire that when you ask the question, “God, is that you?” that you would be able to hear Him clearly in the unique way He created you!
March 14, 2021
Hearing God Through Prayer
by Dennis Rouse
We have a God who loves to speak to us, and we were made to hear Him. Communication with God is key, because much of what He says effects what comes next in our lives. So, it’s important that we understand the ways in which He speaks. One of those ways is through prayer. Let’s take time to learn the principles of how to hear His voice in prayer so we can fulfill the purpose He has for us!