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Rev 1 // Jesus is GLORIOUS! Rev 2-3 // Jesus calls His Church to ALIGN Rev 4 // God is on the THRONE Rev 5 // Jesus holds the FUTURE Revelation 12:12 NIVTherefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He...
November 24, 2024
56m 32s
As believers, what does it take to win others to Christ through our witness? When we choose to lay down our lives in order to follow Him, we can trust that He will empower and equip us with the strength to face any challenges that come our way. Tune in as we learn how we can be fully committed disciples who reflect Christ's power, protection, and promises to those around us.
November 17, 2024
51m 40s
2 Questions in Revelation 6:Question 1 – “WHEN WILL THE FULL NUMBER OF MARTYRS BE REACHED?” Question 2 – “WHO CAN STAND IN THE DAY OF GOD’S JUDGMENT?” Revelation 7:1-4 NLTThen I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so they did not blow on the...
November 11, 2024
52m 12s
Many of us shy away from the difficult and even sobering prophecy of Revelation, but in this message we boldly step into Revelation 6, the breaking of the seven seals, and the ultimate judgments of God. Join us as we learn the depth and purpose of God’s judgment and grasp the knowledge and hope of the One who is worthy to open the scrolls.
November 3, 2024
50m 01s
Have you ever found yourself trying to make sense of why people who are corrupt, arrogant, and living lives of unrepented sin seem to prosper, while others who are trying to follow God seem to find trouble and heartache? These aren’t new questions. In fact, in Psalms the same questions come up. But how do we navigate and persevere in our days of pain? Tune in to find encouragement in God’s game plan for us to follow in the face of pain.
October 27, 2024
45m 21s
God is seated on the throne. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who deserves all our praise and desires to be close to us. Our heavenly Father sent His son, Jesus, to tear the veil that stood between Him and His creation. Now He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks. Will you open the door, acknowledge God, and live a life beholding the One who is on the throne?
October 20, 2024
53m 22s
Where is God in the waiting? No one likes to wait when we are expectant for change, but God always has a perfect plan with perfect timing—a particular purpose crafted just for us. He isn’t too distant, or too busy, or too preoccupied… He is“on the way” and He has something for you that is better than you could ever imagine. Tune in to hear more about where God is when we are Waiting, Waiting.
October 13, 2024
46m 37s
Like the church of Philadelphia, we live in a world that is constantly being shaken. Because sin began in the Garden of Eden, all creation now groans in anticipation of Jesus’ return. Until then, even as we go through the trials of life, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and to shine brightly for Christ. Though we may feel weak and unsure of how much we can endure, Jesus will make us strong until the end—then we’ll be safe in His presence forever!
October 6, 2024
1h 01m
Like the church of Philadelphia, we live in a world that is constantly being shaken. Because sin began in the Garden of Eden, all creation now groans in anticipation of Jesus’ return. Until then, even as we go through the trials of life, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and to shine brightly for Christ. Though we may feel weak and unsure of how much we can endure, Jesus will make us strong until the end—then we’ll be safe in His presence forever!
September 29, 2024
52m 30s
It’s easy for complacency to seep into our everyday lives until we become like sleepwalkers as we “follow Jesus.” What does this demonstrate to the world around us? Only the misconception that we can be saved and go on living as if righteousness is optional. We were created for more. Jesus wants us to be fully alive, to fiercely and boldly shine His light in our lives and to the rest of the world. That is fundamental to our calling as believers. Tune in as Jesus sounds the alarm and reminds us to live fully aware and fully awake to share His Good News.
September 22, 2024
53m 08s
Revelation 2:18-29 NIV“To the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze. I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at...
September 15, 2024
56m 44s
The Church of Pergamum believed a lie. They thought they had options—that they could have both Jesus and their sin. They were lured away and enticed by societal norms and became convinced that Christ crucified and resurrected wasn’t enough. The people of Pergamum were deceived, and the reality is: we must be intentional about acknowledging where we, too, may have been led astray. Otherwise, we could find ourselves influenced by the very culture we are called to impact. Join us as we humbly ask the Holy Spirit to take inventory of our hearts and recommit to aligning with the truth of His word!
September 8, 2024
55m 19s