We Are Victory (2024)
Join us for our Sermon Series "We Are Victory (2024)", where we will explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Each week, our pastors will deliver a thought-provoking and inspiring message that will help us grow in our faith and understanding of God's word.
December 29, 2024
54m 33s
4 Pillars of Purpose
by Curvine Brewington
You were made for something great! However, like many heroes of the faith, it’s easy to fall prey to the lie that you are unqualified. But God has a very different opinion of you and me. Tune into this powerful sermon as we wrap up the year to uncover God’s undeniable truth regarding our purpose and future and the practical steps to accomplish all He predestined us to do and be through Christ.
October 13, 2024
46m 37s
Waiting Waiting
by Dan Lian
Where is God in the waiting? No one likes to wait when we are expectant for change, but God always has a perfect plan with perfect timing—a particular purpose crafted just for us. He isn’t too distant, or too busy, or too preoccupied… He is“on the way” and He has something for you that is better than you could ever imagine. Tune in to hear more about where God is when we are Waiting, Waiting.