26th Aniversary
Join us for our Sermon Series "26th Aniversary", where we will explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Each week, our pastors will deliver a thought-provoking and inspiring message that will help us grow in our faith and understanding of God's word.
February 6, 2016
Living a Life of Generosity
by Steve Vaggalis
Acts 2:45 NKJ…and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all,as anyone had need.GENEROSITY: getting outside of ourselvesPhilippians 2:4 KJVLook not every man on His own things, but every man ALSO on thethings of others.Five Components of Generosity: The Revelation of Generosity2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJSo let each one give as he purposes in