Care Groups
As a part of our small group ministry, we also have Care Groups, that we’ve made available for you. These groups have been created to give you deeper encouragement in some of the hard issues you may be facing in life. Find out more below about each specific Care Group we offer.
DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. In this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making. Weekly discussions will include topics like: Deep Hurt, Recovery, Anger, Grief & Depression, Loneliness, Fears & Anxiety, Family, Finances, Conflict, Forgiveness and more. Please note that each week is a stand-alone teaching/discussion, it does not build week upon week. This group relaunches every February and August.
Domestic Violence
“Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence” is a 14-week program to help victims of past domestic violence to gain back their identity, heal their emotional wounds, and maximize their potential in achieving God’s best plan for their lives. This group relaunches every February and August.
Post Abortion Liberating Ministry
Post Abortion Liberating Ministry (PALM) offers hope and healing to individuals suffering from the emotional scars of abortion. In a safe, confidential and intimate small group environment we experience God’s redemptive power of love, forgiveness, and restoration. This group relaunches every February and August.
Single & Parenting
The number of single-parent families grows dramatically each year. Other people may not truly understand how tough it is to be a single parent—day after day after day. In Single & Parenting groups, you’ll discover how to deal with your deep-down worries and your day-to-day struggles. This group relaunches every February and August.
Additional Care Resources
We will guide you to understand God’s design for sexuality, the underlying reasons why you struggle with sexual brokenness, and how the grace and truth of Jesus can be applied to your struggles. Our goal is to journey with you into total restoration so that you can experience the fullness of relational wholeness.
We’re here to help! Are you ready to set up a budget that works, get free from debt, and start fulfilling some deferred dreams? Connect with our budget coaches to get help setting up a budget that works and empowers you to plan for your future.
Is your marriage struggling? Do you feel like giving up? There is hope for your marriage. We’ve taken the time to put together a list of resources to guide you to the support you need.
Mental Health
We were not made to go through challenging circumstances alone. We have resources available for you.