Church Face
The struggle is real… How many times have you found yourself saying that lately? We’ve been through a lot, especially in the last year. So, what do we do when difficult things happen, when life’s struggles don’t seem to line up with our belief in God? We tend to rush past it and never deal with the emotional impact, but the reality is we won’t get very far if we don’t stop, feel the hurt and allow ourselves to get honest with Him. We’re human, and even Jesus felt pain while on earth. God is the only one who can heal our hearts, and He wants us to come to Him. It’s time to take off the church face and invite Him into our story so we can live the full and authentic lives He created us to live!
May 16, 2021
I Am Secure
by Johnson Bowie
We are in a war. Our identity is fully secure in Christ, but we’re in an ongoing battle for our hearts. We have an enemy who’s constantly seeking to get us off track, but God has given us the spiritual weapons we need to fight back. Want to know how to overcome every attack of the enemy and live fully secure in Christ? In the final message of our Church Face series, discover how to combat the lies and win the war for your heart!
May 9, 2021
I Am Free
by Summer Bowie
Just in case no one’s told you lately: You are enough. At some point or another, we’ve all felt like we don’t measure up, like we need to do more to be accepted and loved. The truth is that you’ve already been set free as a child of God! You don’t have to compare or compete with anyone else; you can show up authentically in all the Father has called you to be. He created you uniquely, and it’s time to embrace who you are in Him.
May 2, 2021
I Am Wanted and Loved
by Johnson Bowie
Who, or what, defines you? Many of us have allowed things like possessions, accomplishments, family, and sex to determine our value. But we were created to live from a place of identity and significance rather than spending our whole lives searching for it. God the Father designed and chose you—yes, you—to be here, and He’s the only one who gets to define you. What does He have to say? You were made on purpose for a purpose, and your presence matters. You are wanted and loved!
April 25, 2021
Child of God
by Andrew Momon
We live in a world that tells us we have to prove our worth, but if God’s greatness is going to be emancipated in us, we have to take hold of this truth: We are His beloved children! The reality is that it’s impossible for us to walk in an identity that we don’t fully believe, and we have an enemy who’s actually afraid we’ll discover who we are in Christ. As God’s children, we don’t have to try to earn our value. He created us, which means we’re already loved and accepted—and that will always be enough!
April 18, 2021
I Am Restored
by Johnson Bowie
Can we be real with each other for a moment? Have you ever felt like you’ve disappointed God or somehow disqualified yourself from His purpose for your life? You’re not alone! We’ve all been there, but the truth is that we’re never too far gone for the God who sent His own Son to restore our relationship with Him. Join us as we illustrate an incredibly powerful moment of restoration between Peter and Jesus, which we believe will also restore fresh purpose in you!
April 11, 2021
I Am Human
by Darius Dunson
Do you ever feel like everyone except you has it all together? Life has impacted each of us in ways we never could have imagined. Yet we come to church in search of a savior and instead find ourselves playing a role, perfecting our “church face” like we have life figured out. Let’s get real. We’re human, which means we need God. It’s time to invite Him into our struggles. He’s the only one able to heal our hearts and move us forward in our purpose!