Share Your Story
God is up to so many cool things! As we see His greatness emancipated in our lives and others’, we can inspire more believers to become disciples by telling our stories. Share yours with us!
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What Our Community Is Saying

“I’ve struggled with my self image for years. Part of my faith journey has been questioning where those standards came from and exchanging the lies I’ve believed about my self image for God’s truth about how He’s created me. However, for all the layers Holy Spirit has peeled back, God showed me at a recent women’s event that He wanted to take me deeper still. I felt Holy Spirit speak truth to me and I said yes to His rest, and I cried, and I healed at that event. Thank you for creating a space for us to be healed and receive His rest!”

“Since I could remember, I have always attended a church with my family. However, being a kid, and a teenager was quite hard to actually get to know God. I was bullied and I was abused so I didn’t know what Love was or what it actually meant. I would pour myself into boys/men looking to be loved and looking to them to provide me with happiness somehow. It wasn’t until 2021 where I decided to re-commit my life to Christ and most recently, I was baptized during a Baptism event. Choosing Jesus as my Lord and Savior was the BEST decision I have ever made.”

“I had never truly felt cleansed or purified by God as a result of repentance. There was something about a recent women’s event that allowed me to truly feel the Lord’s mercy and presence wash away my impurities. Because of that, my eyes were open to the Father’s faithfulness in my life. Tears were rolling down my face like I met Him for the first time again. I had just come out of a very challenging season of health issues, physically and mentally. So to be there on that night, in retrospect, I couldn’t fathom the gratitude I felt for the faithfulness of the Lord in my life. Furthermore, the Pastor’s word on reclaiming my authority in Christ truly encouraged me. I had been feeling tired, inferior and insecure, and inadequate in my business but they spoke to every single one of those fears. I have a fresh testimony and I am rejuvenated and replenished to continue abiding in the Lord in everything He has for me. I can recognize what is mine again and I have a fresh grace to pursue the things of the Lord. I needed this event more than I knew.”