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Welcome Parents

Let’s admit it… Raising children is both beautiful and hard. At times, every parent needs some encouragement and inspiration to keep running the race well. As the old adage goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” We get it—and we’ve got you covered (digitally, that is) with wonderful resources to help you parent with purpose, keep your kids entertained, and enjoy quality time with them even more in creative ways. Check out the resources listed below!

Victory At Home

As a parent or significant adult in the life of a child, God has given you a unique privilege. Victory At Home is a resource to help prepare you for the spiritual needs of your child at each stage in their life. With milestone workshops and helpful digital resources, you’ll be supported and empowered to lead your child to Christ.

Download Booklet

Salvation and Baptism

Parents, do you need some guidance in talking with your kids about the discipleship steps of Salvation and Water Baptism? Let us help! Download the parent resource below to help you walk your kids through these crucial steps in their journey with Jesus.

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Website | Parenting & Online Safety

It can be hard to monitor and keep our kids safe while they are online. Here is a list of resources to help you navigate online safety.

Website | Bullying & Cyberbullying

Learn what cyberbullying and bullying is, how to prevent it, and how to respond to it if your child is experiencing it.

Website | Parental Controls & Content Filters

Parental controls are software settings or hardware devices that are free or available for purchase to protect your family from unauthorized access. When it comes to the safety of our families, our #1 goal is to be the gatekeepers of our homes.

Media Devices | iPhone, iPad & Android Safety

Many media devices have built-In safety features that many parents can activate by going to “Settings” and then find “Screen Time” or “Restrictions” (depending on version). From here, you can disable a variety of apps and online accessibility.


Whether on the go or while enjoying a rare bit of downtime, a good podcast is the perfect way to get inspired and recharged to be the best parent you can be. Tune in!


Put the kids to bed and cozy up to one of these books sure to empower you on your journey as a parent.

The Talk Workshop

Is it time to talk with your kids about sex? Wondering exactly how to go about it? We’ve put together a list of resources that helps you discuss various ways to communicate with your kids about biblical sexuality.